grab the tail
comet up!
maple's whirligig a-light
canopy of green delight
drenched in spring honey whisperings
nothing belongs
nothing is too much
when traveling
at the speed of emptiness
grab the tail
comet up!
maple's whirligig a-light
canopy of green delight
drenched in spring honey whisperings
nothing belongs
nothing is too much
when traveling
at the speed of emptiness
waiting watching i remember from such an early age
peering out into the darkness to sorrow's tucked in far off corners
a knowing unknowing pressing pulling of stars
needing more
wrapped in flannel
wrapped in pink guidance quested unblinking
sureness of a valley lost to views earthly tangle
rest becomes a tempest of strange seeking
being sought amid the shadows
at morning's radiant beaming bright
meadowlarks wake the wonder of each & every color
while rows & rows of iris bloom magnificent
under a moon
who remembers the night ....
one moment to mark the line between what was
what is
hands nesting
seeking refuge from emptiness & fullness
now tangled in cottonwood
patterns of
we become another--untorn unbroken
as peonies at daybreak
wear me like sweet blue silk and I will sing you free
this place
that stings as three blue jays fly overhead
each movement swollen with clouds
rain comes
after it grows quieter
sharp not sharp
this place
am i hollow or have i merely become a cloud
dense with vapor cooling
are my eyes open or closed against the lack
of sun
where are the birds now?
here -- feathers tucked against my breastbone
holding their quiet breath
becoming clouds
what is this place?
this bardo of quiet
this palest endless plain
every direction looks the same
every breath electric
searching for some token
where does the love go now?
in this realm of quiet ...