Friday, March 25, 2022


moss always grows on the north-side of trees 

even in winter's cold darkness 

given enough light 

moss grows 

beckoning to the constellations that lie there 

out there 

up there 

dividing the haves & the have-nots of bark & branch & belief 

moss grows on hard things 

trunks & brick & hearts 

which direction do you face when the sun shines? 

do you allow moss to grow there between the rivers & rises of your desires? 

moss always grows on the north-side of trees 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

11:10 retro-soul-dust

Everything is Bollywood carnival-dog
slap jack & jackalope abalone poker
two-step, side-step & dance a little closer . .
Ring around the rosy, pockets full of blackbirds
syncopated entanglements of undecided waters
we waltz to rhythms pyro-plastic & unsure
no trees, no bees . . global jihad on it's tour

Everything is neon
no pastel softness to be found
snowy owls make headlines
as tender bones lay upon Somalia's ground
jumping-jack-flash sings for recompense
One a penny, two a penny hot-cross-mess
solar flares shift as politics lace this holy ground
splashing hope & god to glory
evermore where labyrinths bound

Everything is matter and matter rides the zephyr train
boomerang cupcakes & bluestem coyote-pain
random sparks of poppy-cane
sure as crocus sprouting 
and the scent of thunder rain
circle your paint wagon Monet & Gauguin
like a diamond in the sky as star-dust rivers our souls
Dreams paint our daytime
as story's words are sowed . . .

Everything is cotton
Everything is dust
The owl and the pussycat went to sea
on knotted threads of crimson trust
Mercury flaps a flapjack
jousting with the moon
Borealis morning
Collide will happen soon . .

Thursday, March 3, 2022

the call of Spring

The cranes are on the river
swooshed ruffling feathers on ice & winter water
heart-bones vibrating to the ancient gathering call
against morning's violet sky

of March ....

 what joy & idle lie here 

along this branch that arches 

 to a sun hidden by clouds 

this day feels tender & possible 

there is no skin 

no boundary between what is mine 

and what is everything 

it is all arching towards an infinite sky 


Wednesday, March 2, 2022


 a rainforest burst against the desert of my lips

              pressed & imprinted 
a trace of chalky white sand smelling of the sea & antiquity 
               there for eternity 
sun burning melting my skin to yours along the horizon-line of dreams & vast emptiness 
             saturated with wild wonder I wait 
                 for the cooling of night