Sunday, December 17, 2023

from the other side

the view vast
soft blue cold
wildness upon my tongue
tangled contentment
soft blue contentment
      this winter's afternoon
restless yearning
held in by the hands of time
hands of my own design 
palliative amusements linger over licorice tea & marzipan tempests
sweeping winds carried on the backs of nuthatches
soft blue cold
wrapped wool knowing  

sing to me of water & dreams
sing to me of winter's bite
hold me in golden arms that smell crisp & ripe
sing to me of home
of ancient fields folded

soft blue cold
this view from the other side 

legacy drifting

here lies the heart for circus tents
stripes & poles & elephants
building up--tearing down
riding trains from town to town

i slept in garrets castle walls
wrote by candles thru wars & falls
corseted lace & leather vests
secluded, deluded by nature's scent

i had the legs to scale great heights
breathe the air of starry nights
spread these arms to vistas high
feel comet's rush--touch the sky

i toiled in fields on soldier's thick
patching, repairing--holding the sick
ancient wisdom in hands small
what lies in men i knew it all

i had the soul to change the world
to step off edges wings unfurled
fearless & flying & comet bound
to leave the earth more green, more round

instead life lies ordinary
tucked & tended--hardly legendary
yet each moment holds opal-chasms-delight
each breath cradles day's twilight

we strive to leave a mark--a talisman
our solitary time here passing
each thread, each hand, each song is spun
to connect us all to the path of the Sun

i had the heart for circus tents 

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The blue you fall into

there is a blue you fall into
     on a winter morning
an eternal blue
            of reflected fields furrowed gold

cyan rivers wild
claimed by golden-pink cirrus-threads
dancing to the sun
coolness wraps solitary & still
below the branches of the hackberry & maple
whispering of
night things
birds silent
breezes rising shifting
dark to alice-blue-gleam
the blue you fall into
winter morning dream

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

avian way

i have come to see 


responds only to thin hollowed-bone creatures 

that bear their weight in feathers & songs ancient & untamed 

he looks to listen for wings & rising amongst winter's river channels wide 



barred & short-eared owls 

cranes cardinals 


all these 

fill his thoughts 

fancy or flight 

   or perhaps it's freedom 

