Monday, March 13, 2017

tacitly .....

on her back flat and still between the cool sheets staring up at the ceiling fan and the ceiling painted a grass green--her thoughts went round & round and it was like spinning round & round the way she used to do when she was young, upon her back staring up through the trees to the clouds she could not focus or stop stop & hold onto a thought for very long she watched things blur past while now and then a blinding bright light flickered like the sun thru the leaves seeing the river as luminous ribbons weaving amongst the tall golden grass and a face stoically masked with intense laughing dark eyes and he was asking her how much she was willing to risk  
(patterns of moonlight on blue snow ) 
a doe with 3 fawn wading across a creek bed her mother's legs starkly tan crossed beneath an orange sun-dress the full-length sensation of prickly grass underneath her as she lay imagining a tender miniature world there in the roots & earth--all of it floating by random & transparent the smell of  baby pristine skin and the peach-fuzz feel of her hair against her lips smells of tabu blended with cigarettes and pine how the smell of fresh mown grass & starlight enticed release a sensual surrender . . . 
these dangling stirrings would not hold still and be counted--no. the textured fabric on the palm of her hand from the sofa as she lay there letting him taste her and a surprising
bolt of thunder and lightening as it played outside the window allowing his voice back in to infiltrate her bones & fear fleeting gusts of electric sexuality his weight upon her
hand slipped underneath his thigh in his car the sudden blade of pain sharp & resolute making its home nestled in the bones & sinews of her soul
welcome pain
the kiss the taste of him a swirl of honey & heat
his hands
vivid and distinct

each memory encased in gossamer yet rendered in wire and bound up with a fragile reflection that resembled the configuration & rhythm of  heart