Saturday, June 29, 2013

Finding Venus transit . .

marked the time eleven twenty-three ...
paused as something presumed lost
unexpectedly located
myself : small, as a child - whole & shiny
a trace innocence
across the ridge of the distum pedis
the high hollow plant
my . . feet !?
there ...
all this time
underneath the weight of bones & fears
all along ...
on the trail ... this path leading
I am still here ...
still of air, still of blossom
tucked away with a box of crayons & johnny carson
perfect & eager
naked & smooth .... it is there
one's childness . . grounding groundling
with me ...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today ….

Of what do YOU long for … ??   ☜ step inside 

think about it
write about it
tell yourself …
color outside the lines . . . today

Thursday, June 20, 2013

scorpio moon 18° 53'

i am a charismatic trick-pony rider
with an assignment to stand in the grass
no glitter socks or rodeo boots
i am terrified - grass is unpredictable & liquid green
( i like socks,
they remind me of the softness of things
and the vertical )
the assignment was to stand in the grass
to drop the reins . .
close my eyes
throw arms open
allow the pony to gallop around the sun
. . .
can i handle the light
as it penetrates the veil
can i accept the burn ?
bring it in
if i do  . .
it  . .
the assignment was to stand in the grass
stunning coolness

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


The ball that is you
throbs & thrums
with a sound falling somewhere between
meadowlark's song & the sound of sighs
there is an echo of thunder in my bones
as the ball expands & contracts
expands & contracts
each beat of blood rising
falling ,,,,
in the center of heart, my chest
this ball
becomes summer's crescendo of heat
this ball becomes

"знание леса"

i thought i wrote this moment,
inked it out
perfectly story-boarded with a crack team of hollywood writers
pencil behind my ear, as i nod & drink coffee, or merlot,
looking fabulous & pretending to be only so
interested  . .
predicting the whiz-bang-heart-beat, the tasty blend of bile & dry cotton in my mouth
it would be morning, early & pink
and i would be rising ; putting on sweats, chopin & coffee
when suddenly i would trip over you ... somehow.  dramatic in 1080 pixels
( soundtrack available on itunes june 16th )
inked out . .
but when the first cadence of your words hit me  ::
the proper capitalization, the pace & repetition
and i mean " to the nines . .  the rough, the smooth . .  the escape "
my eyes closed, my breathe caught
i smiled  ( just a wee wry smile, lips closed sorta smile ... small, barely perceptible sorta smile )
& i breathed
slowly ....
of honey-suckle
iris, wet green grass
& pie.
a home-made, from scratch sweet-cherry-pie  . .
cinnamon & sugar dusting on the top
slightly warm with french-vanilla ice cream
real french-vanilla with all those little wee flecks of bean
and i could smell & taste , and i could feel
i could feel ...
the amber-raw-silk of you -
protective, sure & hard & ohh so tender
the older i become, the less i know ....
except for this
thing .
i did not anticipate
the exploding levity of my heart
honestly !! - the unmistaken taste of bile & cotton-white
and yes , ,
that pull of heat & want & sex & surrender . . it's there.  damn.
it's all there
. .  and then .....
with each word
i fell from time
the thunderstorm rolled in
& rain fell storying
the layered complexity & beauty of life & love
bolting right thru me  ....
grace was untethered by our intimacy
and sureness sleeps in the mandrin-knowledge of skin to skin . .
complete, unconditional sweet-cherry-pie

Thursday, June 13, 2013

like water .....

you stood there 
at the river's edge
     relaxed & leaning 
devoid of expectation & artifice
there was no awkward moment
no hesitation
just melt & surrender
as if your skin  
     transparent & open
molecules permeable
to the addition of another form
my skin 
     simply melted away
leaving sureness
swallowed whole to the nevermore
soaking up every fear & broken need
moving into some kama sutra of 
moving into light & darkness 
hand tucked under your thigh
a fit easy knowing
as we drove to ....
does it matter ?
i can't recall.
we color outside the lines
     with intimacy  
with a  naked need to posses & release 
     back to the wild
the golden blueness of us
transformed & always loved
       of the current

Monday, June 10, 2013

gemini moon

but a dream waking . .
ecru edged
distant as a soft thrumming water-echo
pulsed prism'd
the scent of catalpa on a perseid wind
crickets & cars
rivers & highways
thrum thrumming . . .
diamond blade deep along the swan-line
stones & bones collide
tears at our feathered gossamer self
fires us to fearlessness
dive & rise
dive & rise
oh being of comet-dust
dive & rise

Thursday, June 6, 2013


opal ....
fractured dawn of the yellow fitch
tincture of lemon balm
fragrance of yarrow & peony
morning is hollow of disappointment
yet echo's of a dream outlined in ash
tasting of red clay & coneflowers blue
stay this moment ...
hold close the cardinal song
and wait there beneath the crab apple for a sign ...
sign of rain
sign of awakening
sign of aquarius
a sign . .
stretch this dawn into evermore
eating oatmeal with brown sugar & butter
with 3 sunshine dogs
a yellow fitch

Saturday, June 1, 2013


no watercolor words reside here 
merely the realization
discovered as summer storms weave across these golden plains
a knowledge of attachment & bond
underneath fragile-boned-bird-skin
this elegantly tattered, feathered hole
where my petaled-heart once beat
thumped & beat 
infinite, dark & open
growing older
day by day
year by year
growing old without the press of your hand
in mine 
secret blood-bonds & wanderlust
in this day
rooted in some ancient woodland realm
splendid of evening's summer grass & moonlight orgasm
wickedly imprinted upon my heart & yours
our equation written in labyrinthine script of
celestial blue-green carousels
performed just for me 
this day
fear & love & cherries
are tossed & blended
into this
gypsy cake
happy birth-day 
and journey on sweet gemini-girl
to capture pockets of
the sun
to fool that feathered, shadowed hole
into believing the story, tossing you
this cluster of peonies &
filling my arms with moonlight
this day
journey on--story on
wicked, gypsy gemini-girl .
here is where sorrow resides
at twilight
this hour where the only sound is the
morning dove's lament
hollow & transported
maple seeds whirl to the ground
in direct ratio
to the swift rolling of the cumulus clouds
closing that sky-blue window
of daylight
the bottom is not
really the bottom
it is found here in the sideways portion of our show
tilted & lonely
stripped of expectation & heart
your breath
and bear that weight
the wind shifts
the air is perfumed with magnolia
it smells of
once again