I guess it's too late to live at the ocean
I guess I'm too old to untether from the praire and move to the ocean
I guess it's too late to love at the ocean
I guess it's too late to smell the air off the ocean
I guess it's too late to start smelling you as you lie next to me at the ocean
I guess there's is no weathered-cottage-white waiting for me at the ocean
I guess you are not waiting for me at the ocean
I guess I should be content with praire winds & sandhill cranes & no ocean
I guess it would be a crazy idea to unhook my life for the ocean
and you
and you
I guess it's too late to read Rachel Carson & Hemingway at the ocean
I guess it's too late to become Hemingway at the ocean
I guess I will not learn to tie
a mean bowline knot in anything under ten seconds like
Hunter S. Thompson at the ocean
I guess it's too late to write at the ocean
I guess it is too late to taste the brine of the ocean upon my tongue upon waking
I guess it is too late to name the constellations of the ocean
I guess it is too late to taste the brine of the ocean upon my tongue upon waking
I guess it is too late to name the constellations of the ocean
I guess it's too late to have clothes for the ocean
clothes that move & dance & flow
I guess I am too weary to dance on the dunes of the ocean
I guess it's too late to learn the tides
I guess it's too late to dust sea-dust from mantels & candles & sea glass
I guess I should abandon all dreams
I guess I should abandon all dreams
I guess I should abandon all dreams
I guess it's too late to love life at the ocean
I guess oceans are wild & wet
and then there's the sand
The praire has sand & wind & grasslands & meadowlarks & thunderstorms
I could not live without thunder
Thunder slices into what is all of me
rolling blue electric white particles
waking to
waking to
dreams of