Friday, November 17, 2023

when the moon kisses venus in capricorn

somewhere south of here
i became meadowlark'd
solitary sentinel perched on dawn's break
green grass
cornsilk call
vastness unfolding
fog fills the frame tight
yellow-gray worshipper of sun's might
feathered flight

somewhere east of here
i became yours
tempered by time's cloud ponies
stars & blue snow line our scars
purple the bruise--fragile the thread
cradling regret to the end of the line
rising electric to golden wild thyme
we harvest the cost--we weigh the crime

somewhere west of here
i became water
polished aqua-sea-glass smooth
smelling of pearls
tethered to the wind
upon tides high crest i climb
finding my way by polaris' shine
landing upon winter's shore intact & divine

somewhere north of here
i found me
of meadowlark feathered bravery
of love--replete with cracks of pocked light gleaming
of water opalescent mercury seeming
to journey the bridled heart thru trails hardness
breadcrumbed by darkness
Ah, what bliss this sharpness!