Senses alight to the once-removed sting of Winter's cut
Memories flood Wrapping bone to the black & white images of 1968
Smelling of gingersnaps & tasting of pink pistachio nuts
Held in my father's hands Irish-pale tinged bourbon-late
Stilled of tempest & storm in the wee after-hours of a
Borealis glow
Held in that
Timeless arcane present glow of ticking clocks
Borealis glow
Held in that
Timeless arcane present glow of ticking clocks
Dream breathing contained and measured
Tick tocking tick tock comes the snow ….
Ivory-taupe curtains part to curtains of crystals ice clear
These moments captured, held and treasured
Oh Child!
Sleep with Summer rain & the green of Spring growing
Sleep with Summer rain & the green of Spring growing
Oh Earth!
Pause in night's space and hold to precious hope
Pause in night's space and hold to precious hope
Oh Love!
You will find me cobalt knowing
You will find me cobalt knowing
Pressed against a star 323 light years from the Sun
As seen thru a Celestron Telescope
On the first Saturday after the Winter Solstice
As seen thru a Celestron Telescope
On the first Saturday after the Winter Solstice
Find me, drenched in tiger's milk
Wearing tangerine & ruby silk
Ah! How the Taurus moon transports thru
These walls to palace-pleasure
These walls to palace-pleasure
To serve an ivory draught of sanity's mindful measure
Beginning's taupe
Beginning's taupe
Black & white become varied to the gray
Gray becomes the night as glow becomes the heart
Beat beating to the swirl of ice, glass, rye & whey
Why in such a kaleidoscope must we so soon depart?
Age & memory lie upon the pale hands beholden
Silent child knows no demons on her tongue to sing
Sorrow & Mirth; sisters, knitting under moon-glow
As love lies waking ever-golden
Art, beauty, music define
The deep amber spectrum sting
The deep amber spectrum sting
How do we come to measure the lives we know?
Of darkest blue-indigo night, hearts beat & dwell
To tell of stories that rest in Willoughby's tomb
Holding onto secrets and stories under carnelian's spell
Oh what wonders will there be to bloom?
Tender are nights where all sleeps but one
One whose magic weaves between worlds of
Glow & Gray
Glow & Gray
One whose pale Irish hand
Knows how to steady the light
Knows how to steady the light
Tender are the dawns of Cherry Blossom Sun
Tuck me in and hold me tightly sweet to this day
Wake me to Sun & Snow bright
Spring dances in dreams on this night
Smelling of pine & blue-vanilla skies
Tasting of malt, ginger & dream-flights
As Summer waits steady and sure in myth's sugar sighs
Rest a bit still, as pink becomes day
Rest in warm sureness and think of Springs clover
Greet the day Oh Child Wise!
We are the Northern Lights
To the Sun, to Love we move ever closer ….