Saturday, April 1, 2023

the enchantment of a simple brown linen cover

if you took the soil from April's cool fields

rolling it in your hand 

over & over & over 

sifting it diamond fine 

pressing it to earth firm--smooth 

circling your hand into the velvet dirt 

over & over & over 

it would become this 

simple brown linen cover 

words like seeds sprouting to shadows light daybreak & violet nights 


Early Novels & Stories 

Can you touch Spring here? 

Summer's dust? 

harsh blue winters? 

     tucked within its passages 

the sublime hiding behind the artifice of structured narrative 

"the plains reached out into emptiness, 

peaceful and wide as the soft sky itself, 


wrapped in a tangible, white silence" 

black skies and yellow blossoms 

despair & prairies golden 

painted canyons to cities rich 

fine mornings of possibility 

meadowlark songs 

arcs of human love & loss 

every storm--every blue sky 



this simple brown linen cover