rising rising to face the blue
a blue unnamed by those that name
winds tempered by structures both
real & imagined
matters not this rising
matters not this wind
matters not this obstacle
only the blue
There is a certain summer wind
that blows in
balm of river & prairie
sun rewinding self to young
a summer wind
windows & strawberry boone’s farm wine
midnight drives
bike rides
high as
legion ball & copper-tone sun on the wall
deep purple nights driving the ones
shallow river
sandbars & love
so much held in this certain summer wind
it has been days that feel like years since i've written any words
from that folded cerebellum
to hands that drip broken tea cups full of blossoming blue skies
and space
endless images drip behind my eyes inked--outlined
clouds once white become the leaves of songs
gifted offerings of birds & plastered dreams
what chapter is this?
what lies here with me--within this life?
the bark of summer trees or the borrowed aspects of others
i've gathered to my fragile flowered cups?
delicate presence awakening towards the sun
i have been there
in the space between barely breathing
thistles & vervain cushion my steps
but they have been few
always compassed towards you
the sun shines on me right here with all my sweat & heartache
with all these scars i was told to keep out of the sun
because they will darken & thicken
how thick they become with ignorance & disgust as well
so stand in the Sun
darken the scars
point your thistle vervain compass towards your own heart
towards your own Sky and Sun and Being
each morning rising with an almost unexpected spark
this wonderlife
filled & emptied
filled & emptied
joy to sorrow to pain to stasis to sorrow to joy
each breath a surprise
scraping against the tide
each movement a tender flight
how can we hold such multitudes at once?
our human magic a mystery
unknown to some
celebrated in the smaller things like the blues of a June morning
the slumber of a dog
the smell of a coming storm
becoming lost & found to the empty & full
becoming closer to our younger self . . . so wrapped in the velvet of tomorrows
brushing tangibly viscerally against moments past
(i can smell 1968)
people past
wonder & magic
sorrow & pain past
Oh how the veil thins
Oh the slumber of a dog
and all that remains ...
let go
hello morning . . .
there has been a cardinal chanting in the hackberry tree for forty-seven hours
and i wish to be nothing more
choose my branch
face the sun and sing
songs of warm wind & nests
of finding
of rest
all feathered porous red
summoning the sky
to be cardinal chanting . . .
Of tempest & tumult
of sweeping hills to fields in furious flower
becoming Boann in morning's glow of sun to river reflecting
face fair with emeralds gleaming
from Boyne to Platte--and back!
what power lies here? what child to bear? what challenge?
Oh lies & fear none must taste
but strength in deception's turn
as one is fallow the other ripe as a peach
as alive as this speckled salmon dancing
ah! to command the sun to stand still
summer & youth take root as from slumber one returns
in solstice springs love & poetry plenty
wisdom's wonder there in storms firing
rivers thunder away from winter's chill away from iron rules
away from form & fools
the sea and the swallowed depths of aqua longing
of tempest & tumult I will weave of this day a tale of hazelnuts & song
Oh Boann!
to have loved her differently
with more oranges and browns in the
paint box along with the fine-toothed repulsion oh! how
mirrors reflect merely the red buds in Spring along with the bliss as
blackbirds and fire are indifferent to the thrumming noise
and marbles as I am indifferent
to the copper fear tasting of decayed gardens
and a bit of blood
oh! how joy looks so far away from the jacquard window this morning oh! how
i long for sleep sleep sleep amongst cats and rain
oh! how
to have love her differently
with more oranges and browns would have allowed me to hate her
differently too
rain rings drums ridiculously against the roof as distant thunder rumbles
merely midnight or closer to morning?
awake aware
muddy--muddled—some part of me remains in some dreamscape dancing
ridiculous how the rain sounds like 1962
reaching for redemption
i go quietly silently so as not to walk the sleeping ones
to watch
before windows awash in exacting wet tracings of this thunderstorm
lightening backlighting birch & linden trees
so still so quiet except for rumbly rain & thunder quaking
when i was a child i would find my father quietly silently smoking--sitting with a scotch
in his white terry cloth robe
while storms brewed & boiled in the dark
ridiculous how this rain brings me back to 1962
is it merely midnight or closer to morning?
turning to glance at the time across the room
i discover it is midnight
and i return to the waiting dancing dreamscape
the rumbling birth of stars
great horned owls
trains & leavings
from shadows i linger
wrapped in velvet night as familiar as my own breath
from shadow i linger
wondering how we got here and will my death become a sparrow?
from shadows i linger
observing the blackness of secrets as they lie beneath the linden tree
from shadows i linger
listening to the collide of the cosmos
no cloaks no masks
no labyrinths of glass
heroes sometimes come unasked
between the lightening cracks
one smells of lavender
one of larks
one with feathers one with a bark
pearly white--scruffy & wise
heart of a lion with walnut eyes
one comes dressed in flannel true
(that one is you)!
and the one that comes last
is of sweet golden prairie grass
heroes come as violets & birds
red buds & earth
to see their hearts & know their worth
playing the game from death to birth
the agate secret one carries inside
these heroes unmasked
become our guides
said the button to the thread
i don't want to be led
not tied & buttoned to a shirt
i don't want this bind this place to lie
unmoving forcibly dead
i am the shape of a wheel, the moon & the sun!
able to roll & tumble & run
i wish to be free from the flannel & form
to be a free button
said the thread to the button i've no wish to bind
my preference is to be spooled, quiet, inline
no needles no task
i wish to hold fast
to my sweet bobbin paradigm
i've no wish to capture
to sew & enrapture
this task set forth from above
i've no wish to pin you down
to keep you from running around
so flat & bound
i merely wish to be wound
'round my spindle so sound
simple & smooth
the button rolled free
to seek fields & trees
as the thread wound round its wooden spool
no marriage to flannel
no button sewed, bound & facile
just two things that matter now
better apart than before
button & thread
comes the day from mossy dreams slumber
rising rising
movement wicked--articulated back to leg to arm
beholding a day forecast green-grey
thunderstorms forming unencumbered
by night
by this skin/bone collide (how verdant veins lie
upon outstretched possibilities charm)
seafoam turbulence with crocodile rain
falling in artichoke torrents severity
no brevity
but wicked-articulated rising rising waves of nori destruction
coming coming it is
while all i can do is recall pistachio dreams
of meadow & willow fields afar
meet the storm with an olive branch of forgiveness
celadon comes the day
fern bright will come the morrow