Tuesday, April 30, 2024


Of tempest & tumult 

of sweeping hills to fields in furious flower

becoming Boann in morning's glow of sun to river reflecting 

face fair with emeralds gleaming 

from Boyne to Platte--and back!

what power lies here? what child to bear? what challenge? 

Oh lies & fear none must taste 

but strength in deception's turn 

as one is fallow the other ripe as a peach 

as alive as this speckled salmon dancing 

ah! to command the sun to stand still 

 summer & youth take root as from slumber one returns 

in solstice springs love & poetry plenty 

wisdom's wonder there in storms firing 

rivers thunder away from winter's chill away from iron rules 

away from form & fools 


the sea and the swallowed depths of aqua longing 

of tempest & tumult I will weave of this day a tale of hazelnuts & song 

Oh Boann!