Thursday, April 25, 2024

proust/de salon/des questions

bliss to regret
sleep to death 
to fear or not 
embrace this wild wonder trip and hold all things 
contrast the black to white--grey thunderstorms & tulips 
Earl Grey brewing .... 
scars ignorance weariness cooling cooling 
accidentally shamed small in a shadowed corner under a desk in Boulder County 
Jabberwock pears flying to Borealis flares in northern skies 
Lola dreams pressed against the movie reels of 
and the golden sun-kissed boy (there in the asparagus patch)
who presses wildflowers & birds into linen rivers a thousand miles wide where 
whooping cranes abide against the alice blue waking 
cardinals blue jays wrens
barred owls repeat it all over again--hold fast! 
safe hands 
warm hearts 
holding gently to the opening blooms of the red bud 
Oh Bathsheba! Oh Anna! Oh Sissy! Oh breath of daylight!
Huckleberry foxglove sorrow waiting bright 
fight fiercely for love 
love fiercely 
        make it worth the fight