Friday, April 26, 2024

rain brings ...

rain rings drums ridiculously against the roof as distant thunder rumbles 

merely midnight or closer to morning? 

awake aware 

muddy--muddled—some part of me remains in some dreamscape dancing 

ridiculous how the rain sounds like 1962 


reaching for redemption 

i go quietly silently so as not to walk the sleeping ones 

to watch 

before windows awash in exacting wet tracings of this thunderstorm

lightening backlighting birch & linden trees 

so still so quiet except for rumbly rain & thunder quaking 

when i was a child i would find my father quietly silently smoking--sitting with a scotch 

in his white terry cloth robe 

while storms brewed & boiled in the dark 

ridiculous how this rain brings me back to 1962 

is it merely midnight or closer to morning? 

turning to glance at the time across the room 

i discover it is midnight 

         and i return to the waiting dancing dreamscape