Sunday, April 14, 2024

remembering: have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past)

remembering crinoline and softness and smallness the first time touching a pony's nose and the sound of meadowlarks 

remembering wonder 

remembering the smell of freshly mown grass, rain & my mother's perfume 

remembering hats and cigarettes and black and white television and death 

remembering feeling treasured 

remembering feeling invisible  

remembering the wide rive rand friends and school days and new clothes, laugher and love and sex and the fire ring of immortality 

remembering feeling invisible 

remembering death again 

remembering independence and the ability to know more, experience more, touch more and that smell of pine trees that follows you everywhere and striving for the unnamed unknown quotient 

remembering discovering Boulder 

remembering the day I left the earth for other horizons and what that brought, cost, lost

remembering the dead rattlesnake on the highway from Boulder 

remembering the prickly hair on the wee top of her head 

remembering that barren place where I found myself not myself or at least the emerging other selves abandoned and frightened, death again everywhere everywhere 

remembering the work 

remembering how I've known the love of the best dog ever and how the hole never gets smaller 

remembering coming home to self 

remembering the bright power of a sunrise that shines so canary bright as the dark lightens to an alice blue morning and there are two grandchildren waking to hunger & possibility and newness 

remembering everything 

remembering is a funny thing painted as it is by perception & age & atmosphere and the dreams one has and the sense of being not born on the right planet not born in oneself exactly and carrying the weight of bluejays and crane migration and importance of matter 

remembering the importance of matter 

remembering the song of meadowlarks ....