gossamer thread worn thin-holds fast
beekeeper's gather by the hidden deer track
willow creek bends to the rising wind
over the hill--and back again
stretch a new canvas a thousand feet wide
pinned & buckled by snowy owl's cry
two broken barns it flies between
gesso'd white by flying machines
paint a landscape thick & true
inked with blood and certitude
fiddler plays long into night
when thunder comes--the fire burns bright
beekeepers & minstrels gather to flame
lovers & poets weave a gambled game
a path is taken, a fable begun
white-birch firelight & sunflower rum
spring's storm becomes the canvas--becomes midnight
plein air painting--blue-gray acolyte
frosted river echoes cranes descent
this glen-this tale-our beekeeper's lament
gossamer thread worn thin holds fast
beekeeper's dance
Mary Linnea Vaughan - artist