Friday, April 5, 2024

the barred owl, the boy and the cat

the day has such a funny tint 

to it 

pink & grey & pink & grey 

no clouds 

to the barred owl 


watching the pink & grey day come on to light 


watching for prey 

any small tiny movement 

any small waking 

this funny tint day to waking boy 

under stars & planet quilted thick 

pink & grey
his dreams reflect the coming sky 


watching his own tiny movements 

tiny movements toes to fingers to blinking eyes 

to yawning 

small waking rising rising 

pink & grey this day 

the cat sits
attentive & curled upon stars & planets 

one turn of his silky head
watches an owl perched out the bedroom window 

one turn watches a boy rising 

one grey 

one pink 

all his contentment found in this day 

pink & grey