Monday, April 6, 2015

Day #6 : Aubade

an aubade - a mondayish morning poem 

shaking off dreams of suspension over impassable rivers
... and goldfinches 
morning drifts in with smells of rain and restlessness 
a small-brown-dog lands upon the tumble of blankets to pull the waking along 
soft clothes 
fire lit
coffee warm 
gray domed haze sets apart the cardinals
from the ashen bark of oak
japanese maple branches tremble
under the weight of the retreating moon
with breezes shaped
from the wings of sandhill cranes 
blue jays scold  the absent sun
before raindropped-windows
i touch the edge of regret and the fallow of these days 
the dim of this day pushing pushing against these pale arms 
gravity trumps the attempt as possibility becomes found in the spaces between 
feather and familiar 
rain to robin red 
slumber to dawn's wonderwaking 
day waits